Sunday, September 28, 2008

the universal language of...

Last week, I had the chance to visit a program that helps deaf students. We walk in the place and meet the woman in charge, whom I spoke with over the phone. She takes us into a room with the beginners class...all deaf children with a deaf teacher. I wave hello. I can't decide whether or not I should sign since I don't know that much. After looking at the beautiful faces of these children I decide that I at least need to try. So I look at this girl who was one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. "Your name?" I sign? Her face lit up. L-U-C-Y. "Lucy" I sign back. "Yes" she answered, "Your name?" "P-A-T-T-Y" I replied.

Oh, then the other kids started signing too! We leave and get to see the other deaf students who are integrated in classes with the students who can hear. I did get told that I was very beautiful by a 12th grade boy, but communicating (or should I say attempting) with these kids was such an experience. Here I am 9,000 miles away from where people understand what I am saying, talking to these students who cannot hear. In that moment, I felt like the world was so small...that we're all the same.

I know it may not make sense, probably because I'm not explaining it well, but it was definitely a life changing experience. The picture above is the deaf teacher named Norah, who is also deaf signing to me, "I love you" and me signing back. So, it's a universal language really....a universal language that breaks all accent barriers and color barriers and is just simply a language that shows love.

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