Monday, June 28, 2010

i just realised that i'm so rude! i have another blog for the few and the proud who may read this's all the good times i'm having in haiti. so, i probably won't use this blog anymore. move over with me!

Monday, January 25, 2010

zoom zoom

working in retail can honestly be interesting. if you’re looking- you may even see lessons in life that can be applied to your own life. last week, there was a mom and kid who walked in. the kid looked and said, “mommy, i want the zhu zhu pet!”. the mom kind of smiled and nodded, kind of hoping her kid would just let it go on the thought- that yes, it was somewhat cool but not cool enough to buy. then, you can guess it- the kid says, “moMMIIIEEEEEE I WANT A ZHU ZHU PET!!!!” the mom then asks, “how much are your pets?” i go on to explain the prices and the mom explains to the child- that if she gets it now, she won’t have anything to get for her birthday. The kid didn’t care- she wanted it right then! as i checked them out and told them to have a nice day, all i could think of was, “man! that kid was so so impatient!”

then i realised just how impatient i am. how about 93% of my problems seem like problems mostly due to impatience. for example, when i’m driving- yes, i get road rage- most of the time because people aren’t going the speed limit and i’m running right on time- which means i could be late because of these people blocking my way. impatience. in my mind i’ve created timelines for when God needs to intervene because otherwise it’s a problem. impatience. sometimes not trusting that things will work out. impatience.-hanging out with people that i know will eventually cause me pain- even if it’s unintentional just because i’m lonely...impatience.

how often am i that little kid? screaming my lungs out on how i really want something that really doesn’t matter and if i would just wait- i would’ve already gotten it in the first place- maybe something better. I remember hearing when i was a kid that God loves us so much that if we continue to beg for something- just like that parent, God will give us what we want. I guess now that I’m older, I look at that- and it hasn’t really worked out that way- but i’m really glad it hasn’t. because to me, that means that God is so bigger than me. that in certain situations, He has to intervene because there isn’t any other way humanly possible for things to work out. i mean, i get the point- but it’s that whole new way of looking at thing- that’s coming to light.

i guess my views of things are changing- i love it when that happens. sometimes it makes me feel all grown up coming up with new realisations and ephiphanys. i used to think that God uses things, people and situations to teach us lessons. and then i thought about that- whenever i think about “teaching someone a lesson” it’s not a good thing. it’s usually a “i have the ability to kick your butt because i’m bigger or better than you in some way, shape or form”. and i thought...that doesn’t sound like God to me-well not mine. instead of teaching a lesson- just maybe He uses things, people, situations and even our pain to make us better people. that sounds more like God to me.

but realising things is the first step and the easiest. it’s believing it that’s the hard part. i guess it’s the time when that whole trust thing comes in. it makes me glad for hope that is given. that everyday, I can choose joy. it’s not exactly easy...but then again, He never said it would be.


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

quiet my soul

random prayer of the night:

God, I pray I will never be comfortable with who I am. May I never stay somewhere just because I'm scared. May my soul be fertile for change, so that things can continue to grow inside of me. So that I will always be a better person today than I was yesterday. May I not just think about life or talk about life... May I truly LIVE my life. May I not be one who looks for an escape, but one who simply looks for You and finds myself along the way. May I learn to love people like You do. unconditionally. purely. May i love them without manipulating them. May everything I do lead to You. and when I leave, may I never come back the same.


banana pancakes jack johnson style for mel

First, i guess i should start off by saying "hurray" to my old roommate Mel- she's engaged!!! yay! i just found out right before I started typing this so i'm quite excited.

I hope everyone had a great New Year's and Christmas. er, wait. i guess i should reverse that. i don't really have a reason why- but this was the best Christmas- it really was. no reason- just a really good time with my family and once in a while- when you have time to really think about that- it makes it great.

New Years Eve was a time spent with friends. friends who make you laugh. wouldn't have it any other way. we played some games- i introduced the amazing game of dutch blitz to them. last year, some friends and i got together and made breakfast after the youth shindig at church and i thought we should make breakfast again to celebrate. complete with eggs and banana pancakes jack johnson style, biscuits and gravy and bacon.

pics surely to come.
i can't believe i leave for australia in 3 1/2 weeks! lots to do- lots of people's faces i hope to see before i leave. i'm getting excited to go. i guess that's all for now. must go to work.
