Tuesday, January 5, 2010

banana pancakes jack johnson style for mel

First, i guess i should start off by saying "hurray" to my old roommate Mel- she's engaged!!! yay! i just found out right before I started typing this so i'm quite excited.

I hope everyone had a great New Year's and Christmas. er, wait. i guess i should reverse that. i don't really have a reason why- but this was the best Christmas- it really was. no reason- just a really good time with my family and once in a while- when you have time to really think about that- it makes it great.

New Years Eve was a time spent with friends. friends who make you laugh. wouldn't have it any other way. we played some games- i introduced the amazing game of dutch blitz to them. last year, some friends and i got together and made breakfast after the youth shindig at church and i thought we should make breakfast again to celebrate. complete with eggs and banana pancakes jack johnson style, biscuits and gravy and bacon.

pics surely to come.
i can't believe i leave for australia in 3 1/2 weeks! lots to do- lots of people's faces i hope to see before i leave. i'm getting excited to go. i guess that's all for now. must go to work.


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