Sunday, October 19, 2008

a political venting session

I despise election season. I hate talking about politics. Why is this you may ask when I have spent 6 years studying it and have an advanced degree in it? Is it because everyone makes you feel as though you are a horrible person if you do not vote a certain way? I think so. What beyond aggravates me is when people say, "if you don't vote this way, you aren't voting for the will of God" or other statements that are just as ridiculous. Are you telling me that if I do not vote your way that I do not love God? Who are you to say that?

I am not a Republican. I am not a Democrat. I belive things on different sides. Is universal healthcare not Biblical?

I like debate. I like learning from other people. I DON'T like debating when people do not want to listen and have no earthly idea what they are talking about. Are you even aware how far both parties ideas have changed over the years or are you too busy voting straight ticket to notice?

For example, 20 years ago, Republicans wanted NOTHING to do with education. Now all of a sudden Republicans wnat EVERYTHING to do with no child left behind completely oblivious to the fact that they are now neo-cons.

What brings this blog to the surface you ask? People who have the GALL to tell me that just because I don't think McCain is the best thing since sliced bread, telling me that I'm not voting "in touch with God". As a Christian, I am upset with these people and those like them. Are you showing people the love of God? Let me answer that for you...that would be NO.

When I was working in D.C. at the Russell Senate Building, there was once a pro-life rally. I thought, okay it is as good of an idea as any other. I come back from work and there is their trash EVERYWHERE. I was so vexed because it makes all pro-lifers look bad and I attempted to pick up the trash but there was just too much. Is this being a good steward? Is this showing love?

All I ask, if you're a Republican, Democrat, Independent, or none of the above-is do you know WHY you vote the way you do? Do you even know WHY you believe it? This isn't a bashing session for either side because again I agree with things on either side. Just respect the opinions of other people. all I ask.

I'm just asking for a clean race from US, the voters. Don't bash other people. Open your mind and realise that we all want the same thing...a better America.

We just have different ways to get there.