Tuesday, December 23, 2008

torn part II

i think sometimes you just have to say, "you know what God? whatever". not in a valley girl voice or not really like a punk teenager would talk to a young adult because maybe God would find that rude....then again, maybe not. i'll have to ask Him that one day.

but it's more of a "okay, God...whatever is supposed to be will be". sometimes, i get super bummed because things look like they are not working out like i want them to and then you just feel mopey. like annoyingly mopey. in case you're wondering, yes, it has happened before.

but then, i remember that you know what? God's plan hasn't changed, though it looks like everything else has...the only thing that has changed is the way i see it.

so i just need to relax



Anonymous said...

You and your relevance. It's going to need to stop.

See, sometimes, I get mad at people like you and Nathanael and Liz Coffman because you're all like, "Hey, I'm going to go help people who very obviously need it--in another country!" I get mad because I know that I have this pull in my heart (Christianese translation: calling) to do something along those lines (Christianese translation: missions). But then, I know that my calling is different than Nate-Judd-type missions, and I also know that God has done a lot to convince me that this is where I'm supposed to be for right now, that this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

Of course, right now you're in Lawton again, so I can't be mad at you. Just relieved that someone else is torn.

Sometimes they pray about things like being broken and spilled out. Do you thing torn falls into that category?

Patty said...

V-i'm pretty convinced that if God have convinced you that's where you're supposed to be then that is where you're supposed to be.

aren't people crazy who pray for brokenness? because i think we forget that, oh yeah-when i pray-it surely can happen. but we pray for it anyway, maybe because we're sadistic or something.

but yes, i would say it's in the same category. broken, spilled out and torn all have the same result i guess: pain, disappointment, confusion, but eventually...peace (or at least it has proven so in the past).

c.s.lewis said that pain provides an opportunity of heroism...i just don't feel very much like a heroine right now

i know that you are a blessing wherever you are. and i'm angry at Wichita for taking you away so that i can't keep you in my pocket with me at all times :)